Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Merrill claims "Recession"

We have continuously to believe that recession is here. However the trader won't and push it harder today after Merrill's report.
A recession in the U.S. “has arrived,” reports Merrill Lynch this morning. "According to our analysis, this isn't even a forecast any more, but is a present-day reality.”

"To say that the backdrop is 'recession like,’” Merrill asserts, “is akin to an obstetrician telling a woman that she is 'sort of pregnant.'" What a refreshingly mordant statement for a Wall Street bank. Makes our coffee taste that much better this morning.

And what’s this? President Bush appears to agree … umn, we think.

“Recent economic indicators,” he told a coalition of the mind-numbed yesterday in Chicago, “have become increasingly mixed.” It’s comforting to have such convincing leadership… this coffee is really good this morning.

“Core inflation is low -- except when you're going to the gas pump it doesn't seem that low; or when you're buying food it doesn't seem that low. Core inflation is low, but energy and food prices are on the rise -- have risen.”

And he knows this because he goes to the pump himself… and buys his own food. Oy.

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