咖啡的Earning是没有什么大问题的,如果有,那就不是- 3%了。他在扩张的同时也买回他家的股票,问题就是扩张的速度放慢拉,
而最近出来的消息,咖啡购买相当于去年同期4倍的咖啡,上次我转过的。 这是
一种扩张仍在继续的信号,和当年STP购买WFR 10年的wafer一样。
如果说他 有问题,问题就在于他的working capital在减少,而且cash flow 也因此
而减少。并且同期增加了481 m的债务用于回购股票以及投资。 这一点上从公司的
statement of cashflow看得很清楚。
Cost of sales including occupancy costs increased to 41.9 percent of total
net revenues for the 13 weeks ended April 1, 2007, compared to 40.3 percent
in the corresponding 13-week period of fiscal 2006. This increase was
primarily due to a shift in sales to higher cost products, increased
distribution costs due to the Company’s expanding store base and food
programs, and higher rent expense attributed to growth in higher priced real
estate markets.
同时咖啡能够继续在波兰,中国扩张,本身的收入就足以满足cash flow的增长,所以
我是一点也不担心的。就像是为什么在年初的时候,Morgan Stanley仍然大力买入
cocacola一样。 随着今年volaltility的不断增加,我们就会看到这种cash flow corp
和A rank big cap value corp就会成为基金
见我在mitbbs sbux的贴图 :)
sign, Rockets can't breakout with strong support
所以要换管理层了,CEO FGD辞职。file 8-K form to NBA.
yes, file 10 k to me.
since when sbux becomes a value stock? no offense, but...
sbux blamed the hot weather for its lagging sale last summer. zhang's argument on mit has a point, at least that seems to be the majority's view on the market. It takes the courage to be the minority, hehe.
今天扑了10个crm june 40put@1.2
买了20个hnr june 10 call@0.65
以前都发在huarenbbs了,今后接着在那里发 :)
hi Bobby,
SBUX has becomes value stock after it demonstrated expansion into China. That has been an old news. Now people will argue,whether SBUX could sustain its growth rate at 19%. Actually I would say currently adding SBUX is a tough choice because I loaded into my portfolio around $28.6 where there are strong support. Recently SBUX release several new products which tastes quite good. I have surveyed several SBUX stores in my areas, talking to those clerks how do they think the recent customer coming comparing to 6 months ,and 1 year ago. They all tell me they are much more busy than before and hire more people to handle such kind of situation. This is still in middle of US. And as long as people are paying for coffee, the cash come in and make stock cheap. However, one point we really should watch about SBUX is that its investment income. Whether that will be a success or not in next ER.
hehe, fanzhi,
you are so energetic ah. I think put is less risky than call now. hehe
and Bobby,
SBUX is the stock I would expect to generate 19%~20% ROC this year.
Which means i would expect its price to be around $34 by the end of this year. The reason i have SBUX is that it is a low risk stock. Normally I would prefer low risk stock than mutual fund which will only catch the index performance.
Holy moly, i admire to death qianhu's "ge wu zhi zhi".
That is the attitude.
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