Friday, May 11, 2007

I am facing a dillema on the market

I have never experienced such kind of situation before, and this turns out to be a challenge onto me right now on summarizing the market this week , especially what happen today. Let me think about that.


Carol said...

Too quick, too soon?

Metronic said...

I found out 3 major forces of the market causing the imbalance. neet to think about that.

bobby said...

Let me guess guess ah,

On the economic calendar, PPI has no surprising increase in April, easing worries about inflation.
Business inventory (generally a minor indicator) for March surprisingly decreased (-0.1% vs 0.2% forecast).

From Yahoo Finance about business inventory: "...sometimes retail inventories swing enough to change the aggregate inventory profile. This may affect the GDP outlook. When it does, the report can elicit a small market reaction."
The retail sale was not good, but we already knew that yesterday.
So these confirm the economic slowdown, raising hope for easing monetary policy.

The news about loosened regulation for QDII also had an impact.

bobby said...

这些是最搞不清楚的了。想格物致知可不容易了。再说market economist and market participant不总保持一致pace。

Metronic said...

what you have said are part of that. The main reasons are on the partied of the market. Normally big institutions won't fight against each other, hedge funds will only play moderate short term. however today from my screen, it looks quite weird. Economic has no positive surprise. As pointed, housing, slow growth, slow retailering , moderate inflation, nothing is really new.but they are quite important sometime.
QDII is also a impact.

Janhaus said...

I think a large unaccounted-for factor was CME announcing its counterbid. This increased the trading values for all of the exchanges, and the financial sector in general. It's kind of an outlier event but now that it's happened, the market will definitely be impacted next week.

Metronic said...

yes,we have been watching this since 2 weeks before after ICE's earning boosting the chance for further acquistion war in this area. More inputs are welcome:)

bobobobo said...

qianhu, my post in mitbbs :))

千户兄弟, 我来说两句周四周五大盘研判和nmx操作 (1)

首先, 当看到nmx达到124的目标后,第一个感觉是不用担心冒险失败给太太打屁股了
。周五开盘前我说过如果错了我就没了50%total investment的. 第二件事情是把当
天开盘就进的n多may 120, 125, 130 out of money call全卖了。留下的都是June/
July的call. 赚了多少就不说了。 不是还没完吗?

为了周五的操作, 我分析了一个晚上, 白头发又多了很多。美国股市本身就是长期被
业绩/短期被news driving的。预测不全对又有什么?! 不顺的时候记得mummy's
phase "长青树也有掉叶子的时候"完善方法就是了。

我周四的时候post的东西肯定都还在,当nmx dip to 118.**时,我正在turnpike上呢
, 赶紧pull over, 用bb下单。 之前我就说过, nmx under 120是good buy, 抛开别
的不说,it 下周股东可以开卖了, just a little bit common sense, 你是股东的话
会卖个地板价吗? nmx的交易席可是和持股数相关的。

周四时我看JWW的8g贼开心, 不停watering, 叫人查这查那的是有目的的。 我手头上
有收积的多次大跌的各种分西, 包括盘前/后交易,再回到我们以前的话题, 能
publish出来的ta, 是屠龙刀, 是mm杀小户的屠龙刀。 it 在90%的时候有用,不过
在10%的关头就可一让小户死鸡八蛋了。 n个牛trader/analyst谈过盘前/后交易对
个股的影响, 又有谁说过权重股盘前/后交易对大盘的影响?看书, 要看到书上没说

我一方面打字打得慢, 另一方面是就不信pump不起你的坛子。 我也恶心一回, 来个
连载, 余下的在 里面一天一段。

Unknown said...

Yesterday I had to admit my NYX investment is loss. I sold all may 85 call@0.8.

Why? the NYX never go above 9EMA. It has an ultimate resist when try to break it. GS try to dump it. And

However now MR give me some hope to hold it. Since it succeesfully stand above 50EMA, the ER is some big hope. Now I have 30 MAY 25 call with avg cost 0.3. I want to change my plan, I will sold 15 may call next monday around 0.6-0.7. And hold others for ER.

I have read the Chinese declearation that Chinese citizen can invest stocks outside China, that might be a good news for all Chinese stocks and US stocks. And we could also buy some Chinese bussiness bank stocks.

Unknown said...

bobobobo. Do you think the downtrend of NMX is ended?

Metronic said...

appreciate so much, bobobobo dude:)

Metronic said...

fanzhi, all you said are reasonable, I will try to write down my analysis tonight.:)