标 题: 投资与投机,炒股与买菜(二)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon May 7 23:47:16 2007), 转信
1.1 技术分析单独使用
这是投机的最基本方式,不管股票是什么,垃圾也好,100000刀一股的也好。只要看到熟悉的pattern,我就上去trade. 这是最简单的trading方式。在进行这样的操作的时候,根本不要管股票基本面,设好stop loss立马杀进去。可想而知,这样的成功率会高吗?这页是program trading的问题。
1.2 技术分析与基本面好的股票结合
这是在投资的基础上进行的投机方式,通俗点说,也就是在基本面良好的股票上进行短线操作。这种操作方式已经是街上trader最常用的操作方式。也就是我们经常见到的IBD top100被炒来,档去的背后原因。基本面好的股票,再加上必要的消息,可以构成成功率较高的操作方式。
2) 用投机的方式来投资
就是找到了好股票,但是很想立刻就爆发。版面上一有老大推荐,不管三七二十一,干了再说。要知道,这是钱在流出去呢,买股票不是买菜。 即使我们周末去中国店买菜,也要看看这上海青菜如何,够绿吗? 这个老干妈过期没有。这买股票不管别人推荐不推荐,自己都应该把他的背景好好的过滤一便。至少能够确定这次上涨行情的背后是什么原因,为什么别人推荐这个股票? 最起码要看看这个驱动力是否能够给股票带来持续的行情。如果对一个股票的基本面了解,对股票的历史了解,你就能够比较清楚的知道,股票的上涨空间有多大,或者说股票的上涨阻力点在什么地方,支撑点在什么
地方。 在进入一个股票前,这5点问题你至少应该脑子里面过过一遍,
1) 我为什么认为他好
2) 他与同行业的公司有什么特别的增长点吗?
4) 他的价格是否被高估
5) 他的管理层值得信赖吗
不管你怎么过的,看别人的分析,看别人的报告,自己去研究也好。这上面5个问题没有回答过就立刻杀进去。 新手通常多半不仅是割肉,瘫痪是很正常的事情。哭天喊地,求爷爷爆奶奶,找老大要意见,别人找安慰都帮不了你。
Well said, learning, thanks!
Posting from Florida.
in 2 GOOG 460 put@3.4 out@3.7
hehe, carol,
how is the weather there?
the dipping is highly expected. Now i am waiting for more opportunity.
today's another two trade
5 nyx 85 call @0.75
5 edu 50 put @1.90
both for may
I think the dip is sooner or later.
I check cme index future really dip a lot this morning.
en, i wanna get into nyx too. if not today will be tomorrow. I need to see its close today.
no hurry, I believe we have plenty of time with market weakness. We can even get a deal.
wow, watering and flooding in this board now.
my best friend in the office was laid off last week. trying to cover him and get my ass covered.
qianhu, you can change the name of the post to "qianhu's stock investment testimony".
remember I said for tech stock, I only trust bidu and rimm in last week? remember I said the ice target price I predict?
get into nyx is good, but nmx looks better to me. I only get in 30%, still waiting.
let's continue the buy out talk. I will send you the pharma/biotech stocks I am watching.
for tech stock, what about palm?
i only one id in everywhere.
hehe, yes,
I remember quite well on the RIMM. congratulation ah. :)
What is the meaning for testimony?
just curious. hehe
Sorry to hear the news about your friend. Yes, tech area, Palm is a little bit tricky because he currently may now own the right tech someone else want. Let me read its 10K.
by the way, recently the steel stocks are quite strong ,as the potential rate cut may boom the consumption.
maybe you can try to call some hehe.
bible has old and new testimony.
for ice, the next daily high will be 142.98 in my prediction. don't trust the new upgrade shit traget price before the buy out case.
palm is a good buyout target under current price.
please send me your new finding about er break out pattern. I want to learn it, although might not use it in the future. lost huge on er play last year.
yes, I will forward you Er breakout pattern. But those two ones NVEC and RS ones are the most realiable ones. They normally will sneal their consolidation into ER date and boom. hehe.
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