Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Market consolidation with weakness

is normal and highly expected. Just relax and wait for chance.:) Pls check those stocks that we have mentioned before:

BTJ is weakening, waiting for opportunity.
NYX is standing around its 81 support.TA wise , it will swing back to around 89. However with all of its acquisition done with Euronext and 22% growth rate so far, its current PE 40 valuation may not be a good deal. Downgraded by GS will slow its recovery trend.

BTW: insider is buying NYX.

Moreover I would like to keep housing idea alive

Now the housing market has been doomed, comparing to the price change in USG? Cooperating with those latest news? No. Clear mindset brings it into our monitor radar again for several reasons. The market have been filled with bad news. Investors have been reduced their speculation into this area. People are holding their money into new house. Hey come over here,don't you see the new boom tech area? New H1b Booming? Houses are always needed unless you wanna sleep on the street. Copper price has been raised a lot which in another way informing that house market will be bottom soon. What shall we focus? yeah, materials used to build house, wood, steel, copper and alumnia. all are turning if you focus enough into those area. It is almost the time to buy into this area.


bobobobo said...

all right, I am the person to talk about housing market since our company's business is strongly related to it.

if you invest money into company works for pubic sector, this is a good time to buy.

if the target works for private sector, for instance, land developer, realestat. it's still too risky. too much bubbles in housing market, no any correction since 1990s in northeast area. will dip more.

the al/cu price up mostly due to demand of china.

bobobobo said...

recently, all of our big projects are from public sector.

Metronic said...

public sector means those building for corporation? is that right?

bobobobo said...

projects from goverment, non profit organization, etc, we call them public sector. Like the billion dollars project our company just won in fl.

the only thing you need to think about is the corruption case in side the public sector. company working for them might need to wait a long time to get pay. same thing in china.

njscc wasted billions for the corruption reason, and they are asking for another 30 billion to finish the on going projects. all the sub contractors are fighting to get pay at this moment.

Metronic said...

hehe, sounds interesting. dude.thanks for sharing:)

bobobobo said...

all right. rimm/nmx are good.

if you are holding ice, don't be scared, will reach 142.98 soon. that's the midterm target (2 months).

btw, i am not holding any ice at this point.

bobobobo said...

and I start to watch sbux

Metronic said...

hehe, I don't hold ice, nor others.
I think you can also view MA together with SBUX, since they are similar in term of cash generation. and MA will be purchased more later on by those mutual fund to reduce risk. VIX, already increases a little bit. Both MA and SBUX will provide around 20%~30% gain from current price. but I don't mean to buy them right now. And you are also a high hand in TA, should be no prob to figure out the buypoint hehe. NMX is a good buy here, its 120 support is quite strong.

Metronic said...

华尔街日报:政府若松绑 中国将成全球地产投资大头




  中国政府将设立国际投资公司管理外汇储备。在投资方式尚未明朗之前,许多分析师认为,中国应该会采用新加坡政府投资机构 Government of SingaporeInvestment Corp. Pte. Ltd.(GIC)的模式进行。

  英国房地产咨询公司DTZ Holdings PLC亚洲北区主席David Watt说,“为了要分散风险、让获利达到最大,中国的全球投资计划只是时间问题,且中国的资金庞大到可以轻易超越全球任何一档大型投资机构。”


  有些投资人进军欧洲的计划已经获得政府的支持,其中一项就是“The Baltic Pearl”,由中国投资集团开发近圣彼得堡的一处180公顷混和用地。

  投资集团包括上海地方政府经营的上海实业、零售商上海百联、上海锦江国际酒店、房地产商ShanghaiGreenland Group 和上海欧亚工业发展中心,这项计划促进了俄罗斯与东欧的国际贸易和经济合作。

  房地产策略咨询公司Jones Lang LaSalle经理HeikeMartin 指出,“The Baltic Pearl”耗资约15亿美元,住宅用地将达 120万平方公尺,还有休闲娱乐公园。

  房地产投资公司SEB Asset Management经理Choy-Soon Chua 表示,这一切只不过才刚刚开始。“我认为中国投资人在未来几年内将汇流成一股难以忽视的势力。”他表示,由于中国政府的国营投资机构财力雄厚,应该会有很大一部分资金投资在房地产部门。他还认为如果中国允许企业进驻海外房地产市场的话,“应该有很多人会对拓展海外房地产市场很有兴趣。”

  ING Real Estate Investment Management Asia执行长Robert Lie表示,中国法人已经展现对欧洲房地产的兴趣,“我们曾经接触过许多想要投资欧洲的中国投资人,”不过他不愿意近一步提供细节。

  现在,中国投资人的目标是美国市场,其中也包括了北京万通实业。万通实业在纽约的计划执行经理Xue Ya表示,该公司希望在纽约兴建中国中心办公大楼,吸引其它已经在、或是希望在纽约证券交易所、Nasdaq证券交易所挂牌的中国企业进驻。


Metronic said...

dude, according to your opinion,
what are the company that will benefit from such public construction in real estate?